FAA Medical Exams

WiseCare has an FAA-designated Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) on staff to perform required Class 2 and class 3 Pilot Medical exams for certificates. Class 1 Medical exams coming soon

FAA Aviation medical exams for certificates are a requirement for most pilots to legally utilize privileges of pilot certificates.

An appropriate and current medical certificate must be maintained by any individual acting as pilot in command or any other necessary crew-member of an aircraft (exceptions are for ultralights, gliders, and free balloons). This includes airline, commercial and private pilots plus student pilots with solo flight privileges.

FAA Medical examiners are not employed by the Federal Aviation Administration, however, are private physicians who are interested in aviation medicine and have gone through the required certification process. A national process oversees the selection, authorization, and training of all Aviation Medical Examiners in the United States.

An Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) serves the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the flying community by medically certifying pilots. Each pilot is required to meet specific medical standards depending on the class of medical certificate for which the pilot applies.


How to Prepare for Your FAA Aviation Medical Exam

Step 1: Call the WiseCare office to schedule your aviation medical exam.

STEP 2: Register for an account with the FAA’s MedXPress system, which is an electronic form that will be reviewed by your medical examiner and submitted to the FAA upon completion of your exam.

STEP 3: If you’re concerned about a certain medical condition, research it before your appointment. Check out the FAA medical exam guide online to find out about specific health problems. Knowing which health problems will disqualify you or which will require a special issuance medical certificate will not only help calm your fears but will provide you with valuable information for your doctor.

For instance, you might determine that you’ll need a special issuance medical, which requires extra documentation. You can start gathering those documents ahead of time so that you’re prepared to send them to the FAA once your examiner completes your exam.

STEP 4: Be sure to bring TWO forms of identification to your WiseCare appointment.

Appointment With FAA-Designated Aviation Medical Examiner

The specific type of aviation medical you’re applying for will determine the intensity of the exam. When you’re registered in the MedXPress system and have completed the appropriate forms, during your appointment our WiseCare FAA-Designated Aviation Medical Examiner will:

  1. Verify your identity with two forms of identification and initiate the exam.

  2. Review any health history that you included on your paperwork, and the examiner will point out any issues that might delay the processing of your medical certificate.

  3. Discuss any specific health issues and medications with you, review previous surgeries and doctor visits and complete a general physical exam.

  4. Check your blood pressure, eyesight, including peripheral vision, nearsightedness, farsightedness, and color vision.

  5. Review your urinalysis to check for blood or protein in the urine or other blatant signs of disease.

  6. Likely ask questions about your mental health.

  7. A hearing test might be done, which will ensure you can at a minimum, hear at a conversational level.

Contact WiseCare today to schedule your FAA Aviation Medical Exam or to ask general questions as you prepare for your exam in our Millersville or Pasadena location.

Click here for complete federal rules regarding medical certificates, requirements, and duration.