If You Need an FAA Aviation Medical Exam, You've Come to the Right Place
Participation medical exams are now commonplace for school age children involved in sports and other activities, something that people with a pilot’s license have undergone for years. Currently, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has several levels of pilot certifications, and some of these require one of three levels of medical certification as part of the level qualification.
With over 600,000 certified pilots of all levels in the United States, that’s a lot of FAA aviation medical exams. If you’re due for an initial or recertification medical, WiseCare Urgent Care is the ideal spot to satisfy the health documentation you need for licensing. Dr. Perry Weisman and his team specialize in FAA medical exams, so they’re no strangers to the requirements, procedures, and paperwork you require.
Aviation medical examiners
Not just any doctor can certify you to FAA standards. The FAA employs regional flight surgeons across the country, who determine the need for aviation medical examiners (AMEs) in their area. AMEs receive a month-long basic seminar in Oklahoma City, followed by refresher training every three years. Continuing accreditation as an AME depends on meeting FAA standards for continuing education.
Medical certificate levels
There are three levels of medical certification, each connected with a particular pilot license level. The third-class medical certificate covers private pilots, and it’s good for five years if you’re under the age of 40. It requires renewal every two years after the age of 40.
The second-class medical certificate is renewed annually for commercial pilots of any age. With a second-class medical certificate, you still qualify medically for private pilot requirements, even if your third-class certificate has expired.
First-class medical certificates also qualify you for second and third-class license privileges as well as being necessary for the airline transport pilot certificate. If you’re under 40, you’ll require testing annually. This increases to every six months when you reach 40.
Before your exam
If you’re not already enrolled, you’ll need to sign up for the FAA’s MedXPress system. This is an online, electronic reporting program that keeps your medical information current and available to both your examining physician and the FAA. You can save time and trouble by reviewing medical requirements and assembling any documentation you may need for medical certification.
What to expect during an FAA aviation medical exam
If you’re in good health with no pre-existing medical conditions, your FAA exam will most likely resemble a general physical. Your exam will likely start with a short review of your medical history. If you’ve already been to WiseCare Urgent Care, the team will have a file on you, and questions will center around changes since your last visit.
You’ll be asked about any medications or supplements you take regularly, and your vital signs are taken to get a quick overview of your health. You’ll give a urine sample as well as a blood sample if Dr. Weisman deems it necessary. Blood pressure, vision, and hearing are checked. As you get older, you may need an electrocardiogram for a first-class medical exam.
With the background, training, and experience behind them, the team at WiseCare Urgent Care is the right choice for your next FAA medical exam. Contact the most convenient office to schedule your appointment today. Call now.